“On the set of the Musketeers we are incredibly adolescent!We also

enjoyed making prank calls. I spent half an hour on the phone to

Clarks pretending to be a man who couldn't get his shoe off.” Tom sharing

with us how hard and serious this filming business is... ;)

 As this is an unofficial site, all mistakes,foul ups and glaring errors are all mine! - BritAngie 
Tom Burke
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Gentleman of the Road- Currently in post production. Musketeers Series 1 & 2 is currently being aired in many countries like France & the Czech Rep. Musketeers Series 3 - In post production. Slated to be broadcast in the UK in March 2016 War & Peace -Currently being broadcast in the UK.(Soon USA)

Tom Burke News

Visitors since 06/07/14
War and Peace set to broadcast early 2016 War and Peace hits our screens 3rd January for 6 episodes in the UK on BBC1 at 9pm Sunday nights.In the USA it’s out on the 18th January on the History,A&E and Lifetime Channels.Thank you to the farfar away site for these promo pics.
War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) Operation smile carols by candlelight 2015 - photo operation smile uk Candles by Candlelight 2015 @NicolaB_4 Operation smile carols by candlelight 2015 - photo operation smile uk Operation smile carols by candlelight 2015 - photo operation smile uk War and Peace press night (farfarawaysite.com) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) Newcastle comic con photo @NicolaB_4 Newcastle comic con photo @NicolaB_4 Newcastle comic con photo @NicolaB_4 Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt
Older news
Tom attends Box Clever event. Tom attended a Box Clever Very Clever Friends meeting on the 29th November in  London. Tom is a patron of this charity which introduces children to theatre and who take productions and workshops to schools & venues across the country. Aside from the meeting itself there was a performance of Box Clevers own version of Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. If you would like to become a Clever (or very clever ) friend please checkout this page for info. :)
Tom and Michael Wicherek who is the artistic director of Box Clever(photo courtesy of Box Clever)
Tom at Newcastle Comic Con. Tom and Alexandra attended Newcastle’s film and comic con and as usual a cohort of fans was there to report on the day. I was lucky to go along myself and it was a wonderfully relaxed and fun event. Tom and Alex also did a Question and Answer session which was extremely entertaining. Report & gallery to follow.
Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt Tom at Newcastle film and comic con - photo Angie Hewitt Tom from Season 3 as Athos - photo from Jessica Pope at the BBC Tom from Season 3 as Athos - photo from Jessica Pope at the BBC Tom from Season 3 as Athos - photo from Jessica Pope at the BBC Tom from Season 3 as Athos - photo from Jessica Pope at the BBC Tom's thank you video :) Tom's thank you video :) Tom's thank you video :) Tom's thank you video :) Tom's thank you video :) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Angie Hewitt) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo SiouxRogers/Lesley Danks) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks) Inside first page of Tom's birthday book(photo Cheryl Anderson) Tom at London film and comic con (photo Angie Hewitt) Tom's birthday hamper :) (photo Fiona Perry) Zero Japan teapot (photo Fiona Perry) Beautifully wrapped presents for Tom (Photo Fiona Perry) Zero Japan tea bowls/cups (photo Fiona Perry)
Tom at London Film and Comic Con. So the 18th July arrived and Tom, Maimie and Luke all attended the London Film & comic con as planned. Myself and other fans had the pleasure of meeting Tom again and it was a wonderful but very busy, hot and long day. I’ll be posting a link to my own report here in a day or so but wanted to say a thank you to Luke and Maimie for being so lovely to us, but a huge huge thank you to Tom for being so good to all us fans again! Despite being probably very overwhelmed, hot and tired he was patient with everyone and lovely as always. (Also thank you for the group photo! xx) (Massive thank you also to everyone who has generously donated photos of the day.- Lesley, Susan, Nicola, Nikki, Anne, Jane, Drifty, Jenny and Sarah XX)
Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Angie Hewitt) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks) Photo by Paul Schnaars at www.PaulSchnaarsphotography.com Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks)
Tom sends us a new video message! Following on the news stories below, Tom sent me a lovely message to share with everyone, below. It covers everything from the convention, fundraising, birthday presents to the pitfalls of recording long messages! A massive thank you to Tom for taking the time to do this. I know you are very busy and it’s really, really, really, *REALLY* appreciated. :) (Three versions of the video below - (apologies for the overkill!) the original which does look a bit dark on some screens, a second smaller resolution, file size & lighter version, which is probably better for viewing on a mobile as it should use less bandwidth, & finally a full res edit by Cathy Helms which has had the levels tweaked. Hopefully one of these will work! :D) Original
Burketeer fundraising for Tom’s birthday and pressies! As previously reported after the astonishing success of fundraising for Tom’s Christmas present,Burketeers embarked on raising funds in honour of his birthday. Our initial target was a cumulative total of £10,000 but in true Burketeers style we eventually raised an incredible £19,385 (£21,962 with gift aid) That’s 146 life changing operations for kids all over the world. Thank you so much for making this such a huge success and continually confounding my expectations.You are amazing people! xx Also whilst this was going on we also arranged for a few small gifts to be sent to Tom including a fabulous birthday book full of messages and poems from fans, a designer tea set and specially blended tea for him. Thank you again to everyone who was involved in these gifts- those who donated,submitted messages, worked on and organised these gifts. None of these things happen without your support and hard work. (Special mentions to Cathy Helms, Fiona Perry and Cheryl Anderson.) Thank you! :)
Birthday Hamper packed with goodies!(Photo Fiona Perry) Zero Japan tea set for Tom's birthday (Photo Fiona Perry) Tom's birthday message book (photo Cheryl Anderson) Tom's special brew :D (Photo Fiona Perry)
Tom and Luke at London film and comic con (photo Lesley Danks) Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks)
New online fan magazine As you know Tom’s fans are a very creative and industrious lot and one of our number decided to use her design skills to have a stab at a non profit fan magazine for a bit of fun. What though she ended up with is a 90 page magazine full of wonderful things. Assisted by other writers from fandom it’s an interesting read! Thank you to Christine (@Christine_GHH /SXNCLAIRE on the forums) along with AnnaL, Polly, Donna, Susan, Glynis and Pheonix. Any questions or if you want to submit an article please contact Christine on twitter or the forums. The magazine can be found on the forum. :)
Tom at Newcastle Film & Comic Con & new photos. Tom along with Alexandra Dowling will be appearing at the Newcastle Film & comic con this coming Sunday(yes it’s short notice!) Entry costs £15.00. Autographs and photo ops with Tom are £20.00 each and for Ally they are £10.00 each. Please see the comic con website for details of how to book tickets. Please come along & support Tom & Ally if you can. These events are actually alot of fun. :) We’ve also had a few new photos posted from filming by Jessica Pope(@PopeJessica) ,Howard’s sister, Natalie, and two lucky people who bumped into the cast in Prague - Magdalena.j.v and David Kerda .A huge thank you to them for giving me permission to repost on the site. :)
Tom in Prague- photo courtesy of David Kerda Musketeers cast with Natalie Edwards Tom in Prague- photo courtesy of Magdalena.j.v Tom from Season 3 as Athos - photo from Jessica Pope at the BBC
Smaller res and lighter
Cathy Helms edit (thank you!)
Tom attends War and Peace press premier. Tom turned up to support the press screening of the first episode of War and Peace London on the 14th December. From the press reviews it looks as though we are in for a huge treat as they were all overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to Reetu Kabra  (@ReetuKabra) from BBC Worldwide and the farfar away site for the photos. 
Tom at W and P press premier - photo farfarawaysite.com Tom at W and P press premier - photo farfarawaysite.com Photo courtesy of BBC Worldwide Tom at W and P press premier - photo farfarawaysite.com
Tom at Operation Smile’s Carols by Candlelight 2015. So it’s that time of year again and at very short notice we found out that on 15th December Tom would be attending Operation Smile UK’s candle by candlelight event again. It was again at the beautiful St Botolph’s without Bishopsgate church in London and it was a joyous if somewhat packed event. This year a good deal of the attendence was made up of Burketeers and Tom had a very busy evening meeting and greeting the rather large number of us. I’ll be posting up a report and Gallery of photos soon.
Tom at operation smile Uk carols by candlelight 2015- photo Angie Hewitt Candles by Candlelight 2015 @NicolaB_4 Photo by Lesley Danks Tom at London film and comic con (Photo Lesley Danks) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com) War and Peace (farfarawaysite.com)